Laugh More
Stress Less
Enjoy Life™


0 %
of U.S. workers report that they
suffer from work-related STRESS.
(American Institute of Stress)
0 %
of U.S. workers believe job STRESS
has damaged their RELATIONSHIPS.
(Mental Health America)
0 %
of U.S. adults report that STRESS
has negatively impacted their HEALTH.
(American Psychological Association)


7 Simple Strategies to Make Small Changes

7 Simple Strategies to Make Small Changes Small changes can often have a big impact on results, yet are often overlooked when we only focus on the final outcomes or the big picture. Whether you want to make any lifestyle changes or are striving to improve a specific area of your life, one of

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7 Leadership Lessons We Can Learn From Ants

7 Leadership Lessons We Can Learn From Ants Photo by Shannon Potter on Unsplash “Go to the ant . . . consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6 Leaders come in all shapes and sizes! Consider the ant. Have you ever taken time to observe ants? I think they are fascinating and display

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5 Steps to Achieve Your Goals

5 Steps to Achieve Your Goals Achieving your goals does not have to be complicated. If you are struggling to get things done or having trouble staying-on-task, I suggest that you start with the following 5 Steps to Achieve Your Goals: 1. Establish Specific Dates. Have you ever thought about setting your goals in

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3 Keys to Unlocking New Year’s Resolutions

3 Keys to Unlock Your New Year’s Resolutions “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe New Year’s Resolutions. That dreaded time when millions of people start the new year with hope and good intentions to: achieve goals, make changes, or improve their life (e.g., eat better, exercise

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7 Practical Habits We Can Learn From Ants

7 Practical Habits We Can Learn From Ants Photo by Prabir Kashyap on Unsplash “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!” Proverbs 6:6 Ants are a fascinating species, and can teach us a great deal about developing more perseverance, resilience, and resourcefulness. Despite their rather small size and stature,

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7 Simple Strategies to Live a Healthy Life

7 Simple Strategies to Live a Healthier Life Living a healthier life is not only essential to our overall well-being — think physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health — it’s also the foundation of our happiness and success. What is more important is your health can be improved by making “simple” lifestyle changes. When

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7 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Time

7 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Time Time management is an important life skill everyone needs. Improving how efficiently and effectively you use your time can help you to achieve your goals, better manage stress, and improve productivity. If you’re interested in learning how to make better use of your time, consider these 7

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Research indicates that laughter helps improve physical and mental health.

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Laughter – especially the ability to laugh at yourself – not only helps build confidence but keeps minor setbacks from dragging you can move on much quicker and avoid letting a small problem become a major one.

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Laughter can ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.

Laughter not only helps to stimulate better circulation but also aids muscle relaxation, which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

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Improving your habits is the fastest and most effective way to go from where you are to where you want to be.
